Quiz #4


Multilingual Exam Simulation #4 🇮🇹 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇮🇳 🇵🇰

Segnali di pericolo

Danger signals

Khatarnaak soorat khaal ke traffic signals

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Il segnale raffigurato vieta la circolazione ai quadricicli a motore

The sign depicted forbids the circulation of motorized quadricycles

Dekhaya gaya nishaan moterized quadricycles ki gardish (movement) se mana karta hai

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Il segnale raffigurato vale solo per autoveicoli con ruote gemellate

The signal shown only applies to vehicles with dual wheels

Dekhaya gaya signal sirf do phaiyon wali gariyon par laago hota hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato indica la lunghezza massima del cavo di traino

The sign shown indicates the maximum length of the tow cable

Dekhaya gaya nishaan un gariyon ki ziyada se ziyada choraai ko zahir karta hai jis ki muntaqili (movement) ki ijazat hai .

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è consentito sorpassare ciclomotori a due ruote

In the presence of the signal shown, it is permitted to overtake a two-wheeled mopeds

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, do phaiyon wali moped ki overtaking ki ijazat hai

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Il segnale raffigurato indica la fine del limite minimo di velocità

The signal shown indicates the end of the minimum speed limit

Dekhaya gaya signal kam az kam raftaar ki had ke ekhtataam ki taraf ishara karta hai

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è consentito il transito alle autocisterne che trasportano acqua

In the presence of the signal shown, transit is allowed at tankers carrying water

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, pani le jane walay tankers ke liye transit ki ijazat hai .

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In presenza def segnale raffigurato e consentito ii transito agli autoveicoli

In the presence of the signal depicted, transit is allowed for motor vehicles

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, motor gariyon ki amad o raft ki ijazat hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato indica la zona per l'accesso dei veicoli alle proprietà laterali

The sign shown indicates the area for vehicle access to lateral properties

Dekhaya gaya nishaan side properties tak gaari ki rasai (access) ke ilaqay ki nishandahi karta hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato preannuncia una strettoia

The signal shown heralds a bottleneck

Dekhaya gaya nishaan teer ki simt mein mamnooa parking ki nishandahi karta hai.

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Il segnale raffigurato consente il transito agli autotreni, autoarticolati ed autosnodati

The signal depicted allows the transit of road trains, articulated lorries and articulated lorries

Dekhaya gaya nishaan road trucks, articulated lorries aur vehicle ki amad o raft ki ijazat deta hai

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è consentito il transito di un'autovettura trainante un caravan

In the presence of the signal depicted, transit is permitted of a car towing a caravan

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, karwan ko khenchnay wali car ki naqal o hamal ki ijazat hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato vieta il transito dei veicoli a motore durante le ore di mercato

The signal depicted forbids the passage of motor vehicles during market hours

Dekhaya gaya nishaan market ke auqaat ke douran Engine wali gariyon ki amad o raft par pabandi lagaata hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato consente il transito delle biciclette nelle ore notturne

The signal depicted allows the transit of bicycles at night

Dekhaya gaya signal raat ke waqt cycles ki amad o raft ki ijazat deta hai

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Il segnale raffigurato consente la fermata per far salire o scendere passeggeri

The signal depicted allows the stop to pick up or drop off passengers

Dekhaya gaya signal stop ko musafiron ko lainay ya utaarnay ki ijazat deta hai

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è consentito il transito di Autovetture alimentate a metano

In the presence of the signal shown, the transit of Methane-powered cars

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, methane se chalne wali cars ki amad o raft ki ijazat hai

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Il segnale raffigurato consente l'uso del clacson nei casi di ingorgo stradale

The signal depicted allows the use of the horn in cases of traffic jam road

Dekhaya gaya signal traffic jam ki soorat mein horn ke istemaal ki ijazat deta hai

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Il segnale raffigurato vieta il transito unicamente ai veicoli a motore

The signal depicted forbids the passage only to motor vehicles

Dekhaya gaya signal sirf motor gariyon ko guzarnay se mana karta hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato, opportunamente integrato, puo vietare la  sosta nei centri abitati dalle ore 0,00 alle 24,00 

The signal depicted, suitably integrated, can forbid the parking in inhabited centers from 0.00 to 24.00

Dekhaya gaya signal, munasib tor par coordinated, 0.00 se 24.00 tak taamer shuda (built up) ilaqon mein parking parpabandi laga sakta hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato indica che possono passare gli autocarri con carico alto 3,50 metri dal piano del cassone

The sign shown indicates that trucks can pass with a load 3.50 meters above the level of the body

Dekhaya gaya signal ishara karta hai ke container ki satah se 3. 50 meterouncha boojh (load) ke sath truck guzar satke hain .

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In presenza d del s segnale raffigurato è consentito il tr transito a agli autocarri

In the presence of the sign shown, transit is allowed for trucks

Zahir kardah nishaan ki mojoodgi mein, truckon ke liye transit ki ijazat hai .

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Il segnale ra ffigurato in dica una corsia riservata ai veicoli al servizio d persone invalidei

The sign shown indicates a lane reserved for al vehicles service for disabled people

Dekhaya gaya nishaan mazoor afraad ke liye tamam gariyon ki service ke liye makhsoos lane ki nishandahi karta hai

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Il segnale raffigurato obbliga i veicoli aventi massa per asse superiore a 2,5 tonnellate a procedere a passo d'uomo

The signal shown obliges vehicles having mass per axle exceeding 2.5 tons to proceed at a walking pace

Dekhaya gaya signal 2.5 ton se ziyada fi excel wali gariyon ko chalne ki raftaar se agay bherne par majboor karta hai

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Il segnale raffigurato segnala che nelle ore indicate vige il DIVIETO D SOSTA per i veicoli rappresentati in figuraI

The signal depicted indicates that it is valid at the times indicated the PROHIBITION TO PARKING for the vehicles shown in the figure

Dekhaya gaya signal batata hai ke isharay ke time ke douran figure mein dikhayi gayi gariyon ke liye parking mana hai.

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Il segnale raffigurato consente il transito agli autoveicoli

The signal depicted allows the transit of motor vehicles

Dekhaya gaya signal motor gariyon ki amad o raft ki ijazat deta hai .

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è consentito il sorpasso delle Carrozze a cavalli

In the presence of the signal shown, overtaking is permitted Horse carriages

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, usay ghoray se chalne wali gariyon se agay niklny ki ijazat hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato deve essere rispettato solo dai conducenti di veicoli adibiti al trasporto di cose

The signal depicted must be respected only by drivers of vehicles used for the transport of goods

Dekhaay gaye signal ka ehtram sirf cheezon ki naqal o hamal ke liye istemaal honay wali gariyon ke drivers ko karna chahiye

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Il segnale raffigurato indica autocarri in rallentamento

The signal shown indicates trucks slowing down

Dekhaya gaya signal truckon ke slow honay ki nishandahi karta hai

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è consentito il transito di una macchina agricola di massa a pieno carico pari a 7 tonnellate

In the presence of the signal shown, the transit of one is allowed fully loaded mass agricultural machine equal to 7 tons

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, 7 ton ki poori tarha se bhari hui zarayi machine ki naqal o hamal ki ijazat hai .

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Il segnale raffigurato vale, per tutti i veicoli, durante le ore di mercato

The signal shown is valid for all vehicles during market hours

Dekhaya gaya signal bazaar ke auqaat (Timing) mein tamam gariyon ke liye durust hai

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In presenza del segnale raffigurato è permesso il transito ai veicoli sprovvisti di motore

In the presence of the signal shown, transit is permitted vehicles without engines

Dekhaay gaye signal ki mojoodgi mein, baghair engine wali gariyon ke liye transit ki ijazat hai

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